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    發布時間:2014-09-10   訪問次數:24289

    呂樹光😳,男,教授、博導, 1965  1 月生。


     地 址:上海市梅隴路 130 號 EON4注册 563 信箱
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      傳 真🥧: 021-64252737
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     1986年 畢業於天津大學🍸👨‍👨‍👦,獲環境工程專業學士學位
      1989年 畢業於天津大學,獲環境工程專業工學碩士學位
      1989.4–1996.11 沈陽市規劃設計研究院,工程師
      1996.11–1997.3 日本山口大學工學部,訪問學者
      2000年 畢業於日本山口大學環境與生態工學專業,獲工學博士學位
      2000.4–2002.11 日本山口大學,日本學術振興會外國人特別研究員
      2002.11–2005.9 英國北方高地EON4環境研究所🤌🏽,主要項目負責人及博士生導師
      2005.10– EON4娱乐,教授及博士生導師

          任《環境汙染與防治》編委;“Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering”編委🧎🏻‍♂️;任 International Water Association (IWA) 會員🥩。

          ( 1 )汙染場地修復治理☪️;
          ( 2 )生活及工業廢水處理技術🧙🏻;
          ( 3 )藥物在水環境中的行為機製及其對生態環境的影響;
          ( 4 )活性汙泥法數學模型與計算機仿真技術的研究。





















    2004年,主持Macallan Distillery威士忌酒廠廢水中金屬銅去處技術的開發(European Research and Development Funding)🧁。

    2003年,主持Highland CouncilAMEC Co. LtdUniversity of Liverpool聯合項目:Caithness地區有機固體廢棄物的厭氧消化及能源回收可行性研究。




      0822028701 本科生 科技英語(32學時)
      J481-051 博士研究生 汙染場地修復治理技術(16學時)

      1. 現代工程科學與技術叢書🫲🏽:環境科學與工程,科學出版社,2007.8,ISBN 978-7-03-019756-6,參編
      2. Chemical Engineering in Sustainable Development, Edited by Xuhong Qian and Jingping Qu, 2008, July, Dalian University of Technology Press, ISBN: 978-7-5611-4285-1,參編


    1. Wenchao Jiang, Dionysios D. Dionysioub*, Minghao Kong, Zhen Liu, Qian Sui, Shuguang Lyu*. Utilization of formic acid in nanoscale zero valent iron-catalyzed Fenton system for carbon tetrachloride degradation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 380: 122537.

    2. Wenchao Jiang, Ping Tang, Shuguang Lyu*, Mark L. Brusseau, Yunfei Xue, Xiang Zhang, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui*. Enhanced redox degradation of chlorinated hydrocarbons by the Fe(II)-catalyzed calcium peroxide system in the presence of formic acid and citric acid. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 368: 506-513.

    3. Ping Tang, Wenchao Jiang, Shuguang Lyu*, Mark L. Brusseau, Yunfei Xue, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui*. Mechanism of carbon tetrachloride reduction in ferrous ion activated calcium peroxide system in the presence of methanol. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 362: 243-250.

    4. Yunfei Xue, Qian Sui*, Mark L. Brusseau, Wei Zhou, Zhaofu Qiu, Shuguang Lyu*. Insight into CaO2-based Fenton and Fenton-like systems: strategy for CaO2-based oxidation of organic contaminants. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 361: 919-928.

    5. Yong Sun, Shuguang Lyu*, Mark L. Brusseau, Ping Tang, Wenchao Jiang, Mengbin Gu, Ming Li, Yanchen Lyu, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui*. Degradation of trichloroethylene in aqueous solution by nanoscale calcium peroxide in the Fe(II)-based catalytic environments, Separation and Purification Technology. 2019, 226: 13-21.

    6. Usman Farooq, Muhammad Danish, Shuguang Lyu*, Mark L. Brusseau, Mengbin Gu, Waqas Qamar Zaman, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui. The impact of surface properties and dominant ions on the effectiveness of G-nZVI heterogeneous catalyst for environmental remediation. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 651: 1182-1188.

    7. Mengbin Gu, Qian Sui, Usman Farooq, Xiang Zhang, Zhaofu Qiu, Shuguang Lyu*. Degradation of phenanthrene in sulfate radical based oxidative environment by nZVI-PDA functionalized rGO catalyst. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 354: 541-552.

    8. Yunfei Xue, Qian Sui, Mark L. Brusseau, Xiang Zhang, Zhaofu Qiu, Shuguang Lyu*. Insight on the generation of reactive oxygen species in the CaO2/Fe(II) Fenton system and the hydroxyl radical advancing strategy. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 353: 657-655.

    9. Mengbin Gu, Qian Sui, Usman Farooq, Xiang Zhang, Zhaofu Qiu, Shuguang Lyu*. Enhanced degradation of trichloroethylene in oxidative environment by nZVI/PDA functionalized rGO catalyst. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 359: 157-165.

    10. Yunfei Xue, Ljiljana Rajic, Long Chen, Shuguang Lyu*, Akram N. Alshawabkeh. Electrolytic control of hydrogen peroxide release from calcium peroxide in aqueous solution. Electrochemistry Communications, 2018, 93: 81-85.

    11. Ping Tang, Wenchao Jiang, Shuguang Lyu*, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui. Ethanol enhanced carbon tetrachloride degradation in Fe (II) activated calcium peroxide system. Separation and Purification Technology, 2018, 205: 105-112.

    12. Usman Farooq, Muhammad Danish, Shuguang Lu*, Muhammmad Naqvi, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui. A step forward towards synthesizing a stable and regeneratable nanocomposite for remediation of trichloroethene. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 347: 660-668.

    13. Wenchao Jiang, Ping Tang, Shuguang Lu*, Yunfei Xue, Xiang Zhang, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui. Comparative studies of H2O2/Fe(II)/formic acid, sodium percarbonate/Fe(II)/formic acid and calcium peroxide/Fe(II)/formic acid processes for degradation performance of carbon tetrachloride. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 344: 453-461.

    14. Mengbin Gu, Usman Farooq, Shuguang Lu*, Xiang Zhang, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui. Degradation of trichloroethylene in aqueous solution by rGO supported nZVI catalyst under several oxic environments. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 349: 35-44.

    15. Sixia Yu, Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu*, Yunfei Xue, Xiang Zhang, Minhui Xu, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui. Degradation of phenanthrene in aqueous solution by a persulfate/percarbonate system activated with CA chelated-Fe(II). Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 333: 122-131.

    16. Yunfei Xue, Shuguang Lu*, Xiaori Fu, Virender K.Sharma, Itza Mendoza-Sanchez, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui. Simultaneous removal of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) by CaO2 based Fenton system: Enhanced degradation by chelating agents. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 331: 255-264.

    17. Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu*, Xiaori Fu, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui, Xuhong Guo. Carbon dioxide radical anion-based UV/S2O82-/HCOOH reductive process for carbon tetrachloride degradation in aqueous solution. Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 172: 211-216.

    18. Muhammad Danish, Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu*, Ayyaz Ahmad, Muhammad Naqvi, Usman Farooq, Xiang Zhang, Xiaori Fu, Zhouwei Miao, Yunfei Xue. Efficient transformation of trichloroethylene activated through sodium percarbonate using heterogeneous zeolite supported nano zero valent iron-copper bimetallic composite. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 308: 396-407.

    19. Hang Cui, Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu*, Xiaori Fu, Xiang Zhang, George Y. Fu, Zhaofu Qiu, QianSui. Degradation of ethylbenzene in aqueous solution by sodium percarbonate activated with EDDS-Fe(III) complex. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 309: 80-88.

    20. Muhammad Danish, Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu*, Mark L. Brusseau, Ayyaz Ahmad, Muhammad Naqvi, Usman Farooq, Waqas Qamar Zaman, Xiaori Fu, Zhouwei Miao. An efficient catalytic degradation of trichloroethene in a percarbonate system catalyzed by ultra-fine heterogeneous zeolite supported zero valent iron-nickel bimetallic composite. Applied Catalysis A: General, 2017, 531: 177-186.

    21. Usman Farooq, Muhammad Danish, Shuguang Lu*, Mark L. Brusseau, Muhammmad Naqvi, Xiaro Fu, Xiang Zhang, Qian Sui, Zhaofu Qiu. Efficient transformation in characteristics of cations supported-reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites for the destruction of trichloroethane. Applied Catalysis A: General, 2017, 544: 10-20.

    22. Shuguang Lu*, Xiang Zhang, Yunfei Xue. Application of calcium peroxide in water and soil treatment: A review. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 337: 163-177.

    23. Xiang Zhang, Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu*, Mar L. Brusseau, Minhui Xu, Xiaori Fu, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui. Application of ascorbic acid to enhance trichioroethene degradation by Fe(III)-activated calcium peroxide. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 325: 188-198.

    24. Xiang Zhang, Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu*, Zhouwei Miao, Minhui Xu, Xiaori Fu, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui. Application of calcium peroxide activated with Fe(II)-EDDS complex in trichloroethylene degradation. Chemosphere, 2016, 160: 1-6.

    25. Xiaori Fu, Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu*, Minhui Xu, Zhouwei Miao, Xiang Zhang, Yacong Zhang, Yunfei Xue, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui. Enhanced degradation of benzene in aqueous solution by sodium percarbonate activated with chelated-Fe(II). Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 285: 180-188.

    26. Yunfei Xue, Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu*, Zhouwei Miao, Mark L. Brusseau, Minhui Xu, Xiaori Fu, Xiang Zhang, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui. The destruction of benzene by calcium peroxide activated with Fe(II) in water. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 302: 187-193.

    27. Zhouwei Miao, Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu*, Mark L. Brusseau, Ni Yan, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui. Enhancement effects of reducing agents on the degradation of tetrachloroethene in the Fe(II)/Fe(III) catalyzed percarbonate system. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 300: 530-537.

    28. Xiaoliang Wu, Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu*, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui, Xueke Zang, Zhouwei Miao, Minhui Xu. Strong enhancement of trichloroethylene degradation in ferrous ion activated persulfate system by promoting ferric and ferrous ion cycles with hydroxylamine. Separation and Purification Technology, 2015, 147: 186-193.

    29 Xiaori Fu, Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu*, Zhouwei Miao, Minhui Xu, Xiang Zhang, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui. Benzene depletion by Fe2+-catalyzed sodium percarbonate in aqueous solution. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 267: 25-33.

    30. Minhui Xu, Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu*, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui, Zhouwei Miao, Xueke Zang, Xiaoliang Wu. Degradation of carbon tetrachloride in aqueous solution in the thermally activated persulfate system. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 286: 7-14.

    31. Xiang Zhang, Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu*, Zhouwei Miao, Minhui Xu, Xiaori Fu, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui. Degradation of trichloroethylene in aqueous solution by calcium peroxide activated with ferrous ion. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 284: 253-260.

    32. Zhouwei Miao, Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu*, Mark L. Brusseau, Xiang Zhang, Xiaori Fu,  Muhammad Danish, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui. Enhancement effects of chelating agents on the degradation of tetrachloroethene in Fe(III) catalyzed percarbonate system. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 281: 286-294.

    33. Landry Biyoghe Bi Ndong, Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu*, Murielle Primaelle Ibondou, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui, Serge Maurice Mbadinga, Bozhong Mu. Role of reactive oxygen species in the dechlorination of trichloroethene and 1,1,1-trichloroethane in aqueous phase in UV/TiO2 systems. Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 123: 367-375.

    34. Zhouwei Miao, Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu*, Dionysios D. Dionysiou, Souhail R. Al-Abed, Xueke Zang, Xiaoliang Wu, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui, Muhammad Danish. Mechanism of PCE oxidation by percarbonate in a chelated Fe(II)-based catalyzed system. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 275: 53-62.

    35. Zhouwei Miao, Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu*, Xuke Zang, Xiaoliang Wu, Minhui Xu, Landry Biyoghe Bi Ndong, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui, George Yuzhu Fu. Perchloroethylene (PCE) oxidation by percarbonate in Fe2+-catalyzed aqueous solution: PCE performance and its removal mechanism. Chemosphere, 2015, 119: 1120-1125.

    36. Xiaoliang Wu, Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu*, Minhui Xu, Xueke Zang, Zhouwei Miao, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui. Degradation of trichloroethylene in aqueous solution by persulfate activated with citric acid chelated ferrous ion. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 255: 585-592.

    37. Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu*, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui, Charles J. Banks, Tsuyoshi Imai, Kuangfei Lin, Qishi Luo. Photodegradation performance of 1,1,1-trichloroethane in aqueous solution: in the presence and absence of persulfate. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 215: 29-35.

    38. Ji Fan, Peter A. Vanrolleghem, Shuguang Lu*. A kinetic modeling for carbon metabolism in sequencing batch reactor under multiple aerobic/anoxic conditions. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2012, 96: 241-252.

    39. Qian Sui, Bin Wang, Wentao Zhao, Jun Huang, Gang Yu, Shubo Deng, Zhaofu Qiu, Shuguang Lu*. Identification of priority pharmaceuticals in the water environment of China. Chemosphere, 2012, 89: 280-286.

    40. Ji Fan, Peter A. Vanrolleghem, Zhaofu Qiu, Shuguang Lu*. Modification of the kinetics for modeling substrate storage and biomass growth mechanism in activated sludge system under aerobic condition. Chemical Engineering Science, 2012, 78: 75-81.

    41. Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu*, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui, Zhouwei Miao, Kuangfei Lin, Yongdi Liu, Qishi Luo. Comparison of photodegradation performance of 1,1,1-trichloroethane in aqueous solution with the addition of H2O2 or S2O82− oxidants. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51: 7196-7204.

    42. Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu*, Lin Li, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui, Kuangfei Lin, Qishi Luo. Oxidation of 1,1,1-trichloroethane stimulated by thermally activated persulfate. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 50: 11029-11036.

    43. Wenzhen Li, Shuguang Lu*, Zhaofu Qiu, Kuangfei Lin. Photocatalysis of clofibric acid under solar light in summer and winter seasons. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 50: 5384-5393.

    44. Wenzhen Li, Shuguang Lu*, Zhaofu Qiu, Kuangfei Lin. Clofibric acid degradation in UV254/H2O2 process: effect of temperature. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 176: 1051–1057.

    45. Xiaoxia Wang, Zhaofu Qiu, Shuguang Lu*, Weiqi Ying. Characteristics of organic, nitrogen and phosphorus species released from ultrasonic treatment of waste activated sludge. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 176: 35-40.

    46. Jing Xu, Dan Fu, Shuguang Lu*. The recovery of sulphuric acid from the waste anodic aluminum oxidation solution by diffusion dialysis. Separation and Purification Technology, 2009, 69: 168–173.

    47. Jing Xu, Shuguang Lu*, Dan Fu. Recovery of hydrochloric acid from the waste acid solution by diffusion dialysis. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 165: 832-837.

    48. Shuguang Lu*, Stuart W. Gibb. Copper removal from wastewater using spent-grain as biosorbent. Bioresource Technology, 2008, 99: 1509-1517.

    49. Shuguang Lu*Stuart W. Gibb, Emma Cochrane. Effective removal of zinc ions from aqueous solutions using crab carapace biosorbent. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2007, 149: 208-217.

    50. Shuguang Lu, T. Imai*, M. Ukita, M. Sekine, M. Fukagawa, H. Nakanishi. A model for membrane bioreactor process based on the concept of formation and degradation of soluble microbial products. Water Research, 2001, 35: 2038-2048.

    網頁發布時間: 2014-09-10
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