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學術報告:Dependence of Cyclone Separation Efficiency on its Geometry
發布時間🤵🏼🧛🏼‍♀️:2018-03-19   訪問次數:580

報告題目:Dependence of Cyclone Separation Efficiency on its Geometry

開始時間:2018-03-21 09:30:00


人:Göran LidénAssociate Professor at the Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry (Atmospheric Science unit) at Stockholm University


註:   The lecture should be divided into two parts. The first part will focus on how to measure the penetration through sampling cyclones, how the cyclone geometry influences the penetration through the cyclone. He will mainly go through a large experiment on this problem which he has been involved in.

The second part will focus on the European (CEN) standard [EN13205:2014] on how to determine the performance of samplers (in most cases cyclones) used for the sampling of the respirable and thoracic aerosol fractions.

網頁發布時間: 2018-03-19
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