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發布時間:2018-06-05   訪問次數:13563


沈曉波🚶‍♀️‍➡️,博士𓀁,副教授🫃🏻, 歐盟“瑪麗居裏”學者


※ 聯系方式




※ 研究方向





※ 教育經歷

2012.09 ~ 2013.10美國普林斯頓大學聯合培養博士研究生(國外導師:Prof. Yiguang Ju

2009.09 ~ 2014.07中國科學技術大學(首批“985”高校)🪩,火災科學國家重點實驗室,碩博連讀,工學博士(導師:孫金華教授🗓,國家重點實驗室副主任,中國科EON4“百人計劃”🕕,973項目首席科學家)

2005.09 ~ 2009.07南京理工大學(“211”重點高校),安全工程專業🚼,工學學士


※ 工作和科研經歷

2018.05 ~ 2018.06香港城市大學,高級訪問學者(Research Fellow

2017.09 ~ 至今EON4注册👃🏿,EON4娱乐🏊🏿‍♂️,副教授

2016.10 ~ 2017.08EON4注册,EON4娱乐👨‍🦼‍➡️👨🏼‍✈️,講師

2014.09 ~ 2016.09EON4注册7️⃣👱🏽‍♀️,EON4娱乐🚗,師資博士後,合作導師:修光利教授



  1. 歐盟地平線2020框架計劃,HYGAS-Predictive tools for turbulent combustion of hydrogen-enriched natural gas,在研🍺,主持;

  2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,合成氣-煤粉氣固兩相火焰傳播及災變的協同動力學研究,在研,主持🙍🏿‍♂️;

  3. 上海市科委重大專項子課題,基於數值仿真技術與大數據智能映射算法的火災重構研究,在研,主持;

  4. 國家重點研發計劃子課題,危險化學品自身狀態和環境因素耦合作用與動態風險評估技術🛂,在研,主持;

  5. 國家自然科學基金青年基金👩🏽‍🦲,管道內合成氣-空氣預混火焰傳播不穩定性的動力學機製研究,結題◽️,主持;

  6. 上海市科技英才“揚帆計劃”,天然氣管道內預混火焰傳播規律及其加速和突變的動力學機製研究,結題,主持;

  7. 中央高校基本科研業務費,受限空間典型可燃氣預混火焰傳播動力學及其化學反應機理研究,結題,主持☁️;

  8. 中國博士後科學基金面上項目,90°彎管對天然氣層流預混火焰的動力學影響機製研究,結題🩻,主持;

  9. 公安部中央財政基礎科研專項子課題,天然氣燃爆行為及其滅火抑製技術研究🏄🏽‍♀️,結題,主持;

  10. 上海市高校“產學研計劃”項目🙂,結題🧢,主持。



1)國際氫能安全大會學術委員會委員、“上海市環境與生態IV類高峰學科”科研創新團隊負責人🛷、第八屆國際氫能安全大會分會主席🤸🏼🏮、國際燃燒學會會員;Proceedings of Combustion Institute⛑️,Combustion and Flame🏠,Fuel👩‍👧‍👦,EnergyInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy等多個高水平學術期刊特邀審稿人👎🏻;

22017 & 2019🧑🏿‍🏫,EON4娱乐優秀青年教師(科研類);




  1. Chao Zhang, Xiaobo Shen*, Jennifer X. Wen, Guangli Xiu. The behavior of methane/hydrogen/air premixed flame in a closed channel with inhibition. Fuel, 2020; 265:116810.

  2. Xiaobo Shen, Chao Zhang, Guangli Xiu, Hongya Zhu, Evolution of premixed stoichiometric hydrogen/air flame in a closed duct, Energy, 2019, 176: 265-271.

  3. Chao Zhang, Jennifer Wen, Xiaobo Shen*, Guangli Xiu, Experimental study of hydrogen/air premixed flame propagation in a closed channel with inhibitions for safety consideration, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44: 22654-22660.

  4. Xiaobo Shen, Ningning Zhang, Xuemei Shi, Xianghua Cheng. Experimental studies on pressure dynamics of C2H4/N2O mixtures explosion with dilution. Applied Thermal Engineering 2019, 147: 74-80.

  5. Xiaobo Shen, Guangli Xiu, Sizhe Wu, Experimental study on the explosion characteristics of methane/air mixtures with hydrogen addition. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 120: 741-747.

  6. Xiaobo Shen, Bo Zhang, Xiaoliang Zhang, Guangli Xiu, Explosion characteristics of methane-ethane mixtures in air. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2017, 45:102-107.

  7. Xiaobo Shen, Bo Zhang, Xiaoliang Zhang, Sizhe Wu, Explosion behaviors of mixtures of methane and air with saturated water vapor. Fuel, 2016, 177: 15-18.

  8. Xiaobo Shen, Xueliang Yang, Jeffrey Santner, Jinhua Sun, Yiguang Ju. Experimental and Kinetic Studies of Acetylene Flames at Elevated Pressures. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2015, 35 (1): 721-728.

  9. Xiaobo Shen, Xuechao He, Jinhua Sun, A comparative study on premixed hydrogen–air and propane–air flame propagations with tulip distortion in a closed duct. Fuel, 2015,161: 248-253.

  10. Xiaobo Shen, Qingsong Wang, Huahua Xiao, Jinhua Sun, Experimental study on the characteristic stages of premixed hydrogen-air flame propagation in a horizontal rectangular closed duct. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37 (16): 12028-12038.

  11. Xiaoliang Zhang, Qian Shen, Xiaobo Shen*, Zhikai Zhang, Sunjie Xu, Shengjun Ye. Minimum ignition energy of medicinal powder – Florfenicol and Tilmicosin. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2016, 39:30-8.

  12. Bo Zhang, Cheng Wang, Xiaobo Shen*, Lei Yan, Bingjian Yan, Yi Xia. Velocity fluctuation analysis near detonation propagation limits for stoichiometric methane–hydrogen–oxygen mixture. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41(39):17750-9.

  13. Bo Zhang, Lei Pang, Xiaobo Shen*, Yuan Gao. Measurement and prediction of detonation cell size in binary fuel blends of methane/hydrogen mixtures. Fuel, 2016,172:196-9.

  14. Bo Zhang, Xiaobo Shen*, Lei Pang, Yuan Gao. Detonation velocity deficits of H2/O2/Ar mixture in round tube and annular channels. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015, 40(43):15078-87.

  15. Bo Zhang, Xiaobo Shen*, Lei Pang. Effects of argon/nitrogen dilution on explosion and combustion characteristics of dimethyl ether–air mixtures. Fuel, 2015, 159:646-52.

  16. Xin Huo, Qiang Lu, Xianbo Sun, Xiaobo Shen. Study on flash-point measurement and reduced prediction model for ternary extraction system. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2020, 138:99-107.

  17. Qiangling Duan, Huahua Xiao, Wei Gao, Qingsong Wang, Xiaobo Shen, Lin Jiang, Jinhua Sun. An experimental study on shock waves and spontaneous ignition produced by pressurized hydrogen release through a tube into atmosphere. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015, 40(25):8281-9.

  18. Huahua Xiao, Qingsong wang, Xiaobo Shen, Song Guo, Jinhua Sun. An experimental study of distorted tulip flame formation in a closed duct. Combustion and Flame, 2013,160(9):1725-8.

  19. 沈曉波,章雪凝,劉海峰. 高壓氫氣泄漏相關安全問題研究與進展(綜述論文), 化工學報, 2021.

  20. 劉長軍,閔春燃,沈曉波*. 塗料生產行業RTO設備典型爆炸及泄爆過程模擬, 安全與環境學報,2020, 20(4): 1369-1375.



  1. 超高壓氫氣發生系統🙍🏿‍♂️,CN202020790995.7🐬,實用新型🛀🏽🧛🏻,第一;

  2. 防爆雙層高壓氫氣儲罐,CN201921715692.2,實用新型🪄,第一👨🏼‍💻💡;

  3. 無塵粉料灌裝裝置及方法👩🏽‍🌾,CN201710502927.9,發明專利👨🏽‍✈️,本單位第一;

  4. 一種監測爆轟波速度變化的系統及方法,CN201410669242.X,發明專利,第二🕹;

  5. 一種高壓可燃性氣體泄漏自燃及激波誘導點火試驗裝置,CN201310404843.3,發明專利,第四🚵‍♀️;

  6. 一種可燃氣與空氣預混氣體爆炸中火焰傳播及抑製試驗裝置,CN201310435470.6♟,發明專利👉🏿,第四👨‍🦱;

  7. 一種采用豎井自然排煙的地下公路隧道火災實驗模擬裝置,CN201210189640.2😹,發明專利,第四。



  8. 研究生課程《燃燒爆炸學》(雙語)🧻、《實驗室安全、健康和環境管理》(全英文);

  9. 本科生專業核心課程《職業危害與控製》《安全人機工程》🤨;

  10. 專業實習和畢業設計等實踐類教學👨‍👨‍👧‍👧。

網頁發布時間: 2018-06-05
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