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    發布時間:2019-02-22   訪問次數:12346




    Email: caizhengqing@ecust.edu.cn



    1. 水體有機汙染物的環境光化學作用機理

    2. 高級氧化技術的廢水處理應用







    2008.09 – 2011.06 北京建築大學🤼,市政工程系,碩士研究生

    2011.08 – 2016.08 Auburn University(美國)土木工程系(環境工程)🍍,博士研究生

    2016.10 – 2018.07 復旦大學,環境科學與工程系,博士後

    2018.07 – 2021.08 EON4注册🤘🏿,環境工程系♧,特聘副研究員

    2021.09 – 至今 EON4注册,副教授,環境工程系副系主任







    獲“全國高校教師教學大賽-第六屆3D/VR/AR/AI數字化虛擬仿真主題賽項” 二等獎🥝、“全國高校教師教學大賽-3D/VR/AR數字化虛擬仿真主題賽項”二等獎




    1. 上海市自然科學基金項目,2021年👩🏽‍🦱,在研,項目負責人

    2. 國家自然科學基金青年項目🪣,2019年,在研,項目負責人

    3. EON4注册特聘副研究員科研啟動項目🦣,2018,在研🤸‍♀️,項目負責人

    4. 中國博士後科學基金面上資助項目(一等)🧑🏿‍🌾,2018,結題,項目負責人

    5. 寶武水務科技有限公司橫向項目🍑,2021年🧑🏻‍⚖️,在研,項目負責人

    6. 寶武水務科技有限公司橫向項目,2020年🏮✩,在研,項目負責人

    7. 西原環保工程(中國)有限公司橫向項目,2019年🏊‍♂️,結題,項目負責人

    8. 上海電氣集團股份有限公司中央研究院橫向項目, 2019年,結題,項目負責人

    9. 上海湘奉實業發展有限公司橫向項目🙅🏽‍♀️,2018年🧖🏽‍♀️,結題,項目負責人

    10. 上海集力環境技術有限公司橫向項目🧝,2017年,結題,項目負責人


    Zhengqing Cai, Yining Huang, Haodong Ji, Wen Liu, Jie Fu, Xianbo Sun*. (2021) Type-II surface heterojunction of bismuth-rich Bi4O5Br2 on nitrogen-rich g-C3N5 nanosheets for efficient photocatalytic degradation of antibiotics. Separation and Purification Technology. Accepted. (中國科EON4JCR 1)

    Xianbo Sun, Weiyu He, Xiaodi Hao, Haodong Ji, Wen Liu, Zhengqing Cai*. (2021) Surface modification of BiOBr/TiO2 by reduced AgBr for solar-driven PAHs degradation: Mechanism insight and application assessment. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 412: 125221. (中國科EON4JCR 1)

    Xianbo Sun, Weiyu He, Tao Yang, Haodong Ji, Wen Liu, Juying Lei, Yongdi Liu*, Zhengqing Cai*. (2021) Ternary TiO2/WO3/CQDs nanocomposites for enhanced photocatalytic mineralization of aqueous cephalexin: Degradation mechanism and toxicity evaluation. Chemical Engineering Journal. 412: 128679. (中國科EON4JCR 1)

    Zhengqing Cai, Yougui Song, Xibiao Jin, Chongchen Wang, Haodong Ji, Wen Liu, Xianbo Sun*. (2021) Highly efficient AgBr/h-MoO3 with charge separation tuning for photocatalytic degradation of trimethoprim: Mechanism insight and toxicity assessment. Science of The Total Environment. 781: 146754. (中國科EON4JCR 1)

    Dan Huang, Xianbo Sun, Yongdi Liu, Haodong Ji, Wen Liu, Chongchen Wang, Weiyu Ma, Zhengqing Cai*. (2021) A carbon-rich g-C3N4 with promoted charge separation for highly efficient photocatalytic degradation of amoxicillin. Chinese Chemical Letters. DOI: 10.1016/j.cclet.2021.01.012. (中國科EON4JCR 2)

    Zhengqing Cai#, Xiao Zhao#, Jun Duan#, Dongye Zhao*, Zhi Dang, Zhang Lin. (2020) Remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated with organic chemicals using stabilized nanoparticles: Lessons from the past two decades. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 14(5): 84. (中國科EON4JCR 2)

    Zhengqing Cai, Xiaodi Hao, Xianbo Sun, Penghui Du, Wen Liu*, Jie Fu*. (2019) Highly active WO3@anatase-SiO2 aerogel for solar-light-driven phenanthrene degradation: mechanism insight and toxicity assessment. Water Research. 162: 369-382. (ESI高被引論文, 中國科EON4JCR 1)

    Kaiyu Cheng, Zhengqing Cai*, Jie Fu, Xianbo Sun, Weiliang Sun, Long Chen, Dandan Zhang, Wen Liu*. (2019) Synergistic adsorption of Cu(II) and photocatalytic degradation of phenanthrene by a jaboticaba-like TiO2/titanate nanotube composite: an experimental and theoretical study. Chemical Engineering Journal. 358: 1155-1165. (中國科EON4JCR 1)

    Zhengqing Cai, Jie Fu, Penghui Du, Xiao Zhao, Xiaodi Hao, Wen Liu*, Dongye Zhao*. (2018) Reduction of nitrobenzene in aqueous and soil phases using carboxymethyl cellulose stabilized zero-valent iron nanoparticles. Chemical Engineering Journal. 332: 227-236. (中國科EON4JCR 1)

    Zhengqing Cai, Amarendra Dhar Dwivedi, Wan-Ning Lee, Xiao Zhao, Wen Liu*, Mika Sillanpää, Dongye Zhao, Ching-Hua Huang, Jie Fu*. (2017) Application of nanotechnologies for removing pharmaceutically active compounds in water: development and future trends. Environmental Science: Nano. 5(1): 27-47. (ESI高被引論文, 中國科EON4JCR 1)

    Zhengqing Cai, Youmin Sun, Wen Liu*, Fei Pan, Peizhe Sun, Jie Fu*. (2017) An overview of nanomaterials applied for removing dyes from wastewater. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 24(19): 15882-15904. (中國科EON4JCR 3)

    Zhengqing Cai, Wen Liu, Jie Fu, SE O’Reilly, Dongye Zhao*. (2017) Effects of oil dispersants on the photodegradation of parent and alkylated PAHs. Environmental Pollution. 229: 272-280. (中國科EON4JCR 1)

    Zhengqing Cai, Xiao Zhao, Ting Wang, Wen Liu*, Dongye Zhao*. (2017) Reusable platinum-deposited anatase/hexa-titanate nanotubes: roles of reduced and oxidized platinum on enhanced solar-light-driven photocatalytic activity. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 5(1): 547-555. (中國科EON4JCR 1)

    Zhengqing Cai, Jie Fu, Wen Liu, Kunming Fu, SE O’Reilly, Dongye Zhao*. (2016) Effects of oil dispersants on settling of marine sediment particles and particle-facilitated distribution and transport of oil components. Marine Pollution Bulletin 114(1): 408-418. (中國科EON4JCR 1)

    Zhengqing Cai, Yanyan Gong, Wen Liu, Jie Fu, SE O’Reilly, Xiaodi Hao, Dongye Zhao*. (2016) A surface tension based method for measuring oil dispersant concentration in seawater. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 109(1): 49-54. (中國科EON4JCR 1)

    Xiaodi Hao (導師)*, Zhengqing Cai, Kunming Fu, Dongye Zhao. (2012) Distinguishing Activity Decay and Cell Death from Bacterial Decay for Two Types of Methanogens. Water Research 46 (4): 1251-1259. (中國科EON4JCR 1)

    Qun Lu#Zhengqing Cai (並列第一)#, Jie Fu, Siyi Luo, Chunsheng Liu, Xiaolin Li, Dongye Zhao. (2014) Molecular docking and molecular dynamics studies on the interactions of hydroxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers to estrogen receptor alpha. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 101: 83-89. (中國科EON4JCR 2)

    Hongfang Liu#, Zhengqing Cai (並列第一)#, Xiao Zhao, Dongye Zhao, Tianwei Qian, Michael Bozack, Mingang Zhang. (2016) Reductive removal of selenate in water using stabilized zero-valent iron nanoparticles. Water Environment Research. 88(8): 694-703. (中國科EON4JCR 4)

    Gong Cheng, Jing Lin, Jian Lu, Xi Zhao, Zhengqing Cai*, Jie Fu*. (2015) advanced treatment of pesticide-containing wastewater using Fenton reagent enhanced by microwave electrodeless ultraviolet. BioMed Research International. 2015: 1-8. (中國科EON4JCR 3)



    擔任SCI期刊《中國化學快報》(Chinese Chemical Letters)青年編委


    擔任Water Research, Environmental Science & Technology, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Science of the Total Environment, Chemosphere, Separation and Purification Technology等期刊審稿人

    網頁發布時間: 2019-02-22
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