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發布時間🧙🏽‍♀️🔗:2021-01-28   訪問次數:12206












2020.10-至今:特聘副研究員🧝🏼‍♀️🧗🏿、副教授 EON4注册 EON4娱乐

2018.07-2020.09:博士後 EON4注册 EON4娱乐 環境科學與工程


2013.09-2018.06:博士 EON4注册 化學與分子工程EON4 應用化學


2009.09-2013.07🖕🏿:學士 EON4注册 化學與分子工程EON4 應用化學(精細化工)






中國化學快報 (Chinese Chemical Letters) 環境化學板塊青年編委







  1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目💂🏿‍♂️,50萬,2024年,主持,在研⛓。

  2. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,25萬📞,2019年,主持,結題。

  3. 上海市自然科學基金面上項目🕞,20萬,2022年,主持,在研🙎🏼‍♂️。

  4. 上海市青年科技英才揚帆計劃項目,20萬🤹🏿‍♂️,2019年,主持,結題☝🏼。

  5. 校特聘系列配套項目🌼,50萬👩🏽‍💼,2021年,主持,結題🖍。

  6. 中國博士後科學基金二等資助項目,5萬,2018年📩👷🏽‍♀️,主持🌟,結題。


已發表SCI論文50篇,引用4518次🧑‍🦼‍➡️,h-index 26 🏃‍♀️‍➡️🧴,以第一作者/通訊作者身份在Appl. Catal. B Environ.Nano Lett.J. Hazard. Mater.👳,Chem. Eng. J.等期刊發表SCI論文18篇(中科院一區11篇)🙏🏿🕐,ESI高被引4篇。申請中國發明專利8項🧛🏼。


1. Yi Zhou*, Yiling He, Ming Gao, Ningkai Ding, Juying Lei, Yanbo Zhou. Efficient photocatalytic NADH regeneration with Rh-loaded Z-scheme mediator-free system. Chinese Chemical Letters 2024, 35, (2), 108690.

2. Yuqin Ni, Chuxiang Zhou, Mingyang Xing*, Yi Zhou*, Oxidation of emerging organic contaminants by in-situ H2O2 Fenton system. Green Energy & Environment. 2024, 9, 417-434.

3. Kewei Lv, Liangxiong Ling, Qinwei Lu, Jian Lu, Yi Zhou*, Yanbo Zhou*, Reducing cobalt leaching in disinfectant degradation: Insights from chitosan-derived carbon encapsulated Co9S8, Separation and Purification Technology, 2024, 344, 127207.

4. Yanpan Li, Yanbo Zhou, Yi Zhou*, Ultrasonic enhancement of persulfate oxidation system governs emerging pollutants decontamination. Green Energy & Environment. 2024, doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2024.01.004.

5. Weidan Meng, Yanbo Zhou, Yi Zhou*, Green innovation unleashed: Harnessing tungsten-based nanomaterials for catalyzing solar-driven carbon dioxide conversion, Chinese Chemical Letters 2024, doi.org/10.1016/j.cclet.2024.109961.

6. Yiling He, Ming Gao, Yanbo Zhou, Yi Zhou*, Efficient photocatalytic remediation of typical antibiotics in water via Mn3O4 decorated carbon nitride nanotube. Chemosphere, 2023, 311, 136925.

7. Yi Zhou, Xia Li, Xinyu Chen, Jian Lu, Yanbo Zhou*, Dual-Path Oxidation of Phenolic Organic Contaminants Triggered by the β-MnO2/Bisulfite System. ACS ES&T Water, 2022, 2, (12), 2579-2589.

8. Yi Zhou, Jie He, Xia Li, Jian Lu, Yanbo Zhou*, Efficient removal of roxarsone and emerging organic contaminants by a solar light-driven in-situ Fenton system, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 435, 132434.

9. Xia Li, Jie He, Jian Lu, Yi Zhou*, Yanbo Zhou*, In-situ production and activation of H2O2 for enhanced degradation of roxarsone by FeS2 decorated resorcinol-formaldehyde resins, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 424, 127650.

10. Yi Zhou, Lei Zhou, Yanbo Zhou, Mingyang Xing*, Jinlong Zhang*, Z-scheme photo-Fenton system for efficiency synchronous oxidation of organic contaminants and reduction of metal ions, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 279, 119365.

11. Yi Zhou, Qiming Liu, Jian Lu, Jie He, Yongdi Liu, Yanbo Zhou*, Accelerated photoelectron transmission by carboxymethyl β-cyclodextrin for organic contaminants removal: An alternative to noble metal catalyst. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 393, 122414.

12. Yi Zhou, Jian Lu, Qiming Liu, Huafeng Chen, Yongdi Liu, Yanbo Zhou*, A novel hollow-sphere cyclodextrin nanoreactor for the enhanced removal of bisphenol A under visible irradiation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 384, 121267.

13. Yi Zhou, Jie He, Jian Lu, Yongdi Liu, Yanbo Zhou*, Enhanced removal of bisphenol A by cyclodextrin in photocatalytic systems: Degradation intermediates and toxicity evaluation. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2020, 31, (10), 2623-2626.

14. Mingyang Xing*§, Yi Zhou§ (共同第一作者), Chunyang Dong§, Lejuan Cai, Lixi Zeng, Bin Shen, Lihan Pan, Chencheng Dong, Yang Chai, Jinlong Zhang*, Yadong Yin*, Modulation of the Reduction Potential of TiO2-x by Fluorination for Efficient and Selective CH4 Generation from CO2 Photoreduction. Nano Letters, 2018, 18, (6), 3384-3390.

15. Yi Zhou, Yunchang Liu, Pengwei Liu, Weiyi Zhang, Mingyang Xing* and Jinlong Zhang*. A facile approach to further improve the substitution of nitrogen into reduced TiO2−x with an enhanced photocatalytic activity. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2015, 170–171 (0), 66-73.


1. 一種氧化錳復合氮化碳納米管復合光催化劑的製備方法及其應用。中國專利🛎,2022.05.03授權,ZL202110320746.0🎞。

2. 一種堿化氮化碳納米管的製備方法及其應用💷。中國專利🏇🏽,2022.07.15授權,ZL202010902865.2🐎。

3. 一種矽烷改性環糊精基吸附劑的製備方法及其應用🔴😬。中國專利,2023.11.07 授權,ZL202111589083.9🤾。

4. 一種羧甲基β-環糊精改性鈦納米管去除水中有機汙染物的方法。中國專利👨‍🦯‍➡️,2021.06.25 授權,ZL202010583078.6

5. 一種納米聚乙烯亞胺接枝酚醛樹脂的製備方法🌈,用途以及光催化雙氧水檢測方法。中國專利,2022.04.08 授權,ZL202011138234.4

網頁發布時間: 2021-01-28
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