聯系方式: 地址👌🏽:上海市梅隴路130號實驗11樓 Email🙍:cpeng@ecust.edu.cn
研究方向: 1)新汙染物生態健康風險評估 2)土壤汙染控製與修復
教育背景: 2010.09-2016.06🍏:浙江大學 環境工程專業 博士(碩博連讀) 2014.08-2015.10:美國佐治亞理工EON4(Georgia Institute of Technology) 環境工程專業 聯合培養博士
工作經歷: 2021.01至今 EON4注册 環境工程系 副教授 2019.09-2020.12 東華大學 環境科學系 副教授 2016.10-2019.08 東華大學 環境科學系 講師/師資博士後
教學情況🗜: 本科生課程:《生態修復理論與方法》🌌、《化學品毒性和安全性評價》、《畢業實習》 研究生課程🏄:《生態毒理效應與修復原理》
學術兼職: Eco-Environment & Health青年編委 Nanomaterials客座編輯 中國土壤學會環境微塑料工作組第一屆青年工作組委員
承擔課題🥕: (1) 國家自然科學基金👩🚒,幹濕交替下鐵氧化物耦合有機質對土壤-水稻中CdSe量子點遷移轉化驅動機製,2022/01-2025/12,項目負責人 (2) 國家自然科學基金,根表鐵膜對水稻吸收運輸氧化銅納米顆粒的影響及其調控機製研究👩👩👦👦,2019/01-2021/12,項目負責人 (3) 國家重點研發計劃,歷史不規範填埋場土壤-地下水系統中微塑料形成機製與汙染風險,2023-2026🎎,任務負責人 (4) 國家重點研發計劃🤸🏿♀️,在產醫藥化工園區土壤—地下水汙染風險防控與原位協同修復,2023-2027,任務負責人 (5) 上海市科技興農項目,納米零價鐵-生物炭強化微生物修復磺酰脲類除草劑汙染土壤技術研究,2022/04-2025/03,項目負責人 (6)上海市青年科技英才揚帆計劃🧑🏼🎓,土壤氧化還原條件對納米氧化銅生物有效性的影響機製研究,2018/05-2021/04,項目負責人 (7)國家環境保護新型汙染物環境健康影響評價重點實驗室開放基金,微納塑料對DBDPE在食物鏈中傳遞規律的影響機製研究,項目負責人 (8) 中國博士後基金面上項目,根際環境對金屬納米顆粒形態轉化的影響及其作用機製♝,2017/05-2018/12,項目負責人 (9) 上海市生態環境局科研項目,上海市建設用地土壤汙染防治管理辦法及風險管控治理修復全過程監管體系研究,2021/06-2023/05,任務負責人
近年代表性論文: 1. Mengru Fu, Jiaqi Tan, Shanqi Zhou, Siyuan Ling, Shuangqing Hu, Zhihua Qiao, Yanna Han, Wei Zhang*, Cheng Peng*. Insight into bioaccumulation of decabromodiphenyl ethane in Eisenia fetida increased by microplastics. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57 (37): 13980-13990. 2. Cheng Peng, Si Chen, Chensi Shen, Miao He, Yunqi Zhang, Jien Ye, Jianshe Liu*, Jiyan Shi*. Iron plaque: a barrier layer to the uptake and translocation of copper oxide nanoparticles by rice plants, Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52(21): 12244-12254. 3. Cheng Peng, Chen Xu, Qinglin Liu, Lijuan Sun, Yongming Luo, Jiyan Shi*. Fate and transformation of CuO nanoparticles in the soil-rice system during the life cycle of rice plants. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(9): 4907-4917. 4. Weiyu Liang, Wen Zhang, Xuechun Shao, Kailin Gong, Chengpeng Su, Wei Zhang, Cheng Peng*.Organic matters adsorbed on goethite inhibited the heterogeneous aggregation and adsorption of CdSe quantum dots: Experiments and extended DLVO theory. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 467: 133769. 5. Qi Zhang, Kailin Gong, Xuechun Shao, Weiyu Liang, Wei Zhang, Cheng Peng*. Effect of polyethylene, polyamide, and polylactic acid microplastics on Cr accumulation and toxicity to cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) in hydroponics.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 450: 131022. 6. Kailin Gong, Qi Zhang, Xuechun Shao, Yonghong Wu, Zhihua Qiao, Linlin Qiu, Wei Zhang, Cheng Peng*. Microplastics alter Cr accumulation and fruit quality in Cr(VI) contaminated soil-cucumber system during the lifecycle: Insight from rhizosphere bacteria and root metabolism. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 912:168792. 7. Mengru Fu, Jiaqi Tan, Shanqi Zhou, Peng Liu, Zhihua Qiao, Yanna Han, Wei Zhang*, Cheng Peng*. Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene microplastics aggravate the threat of decabromodiphenyl ethane to Eisenia fetida: Bioaccumulation, tissue damage, and transcriptional responses.Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 889: 164303. 8. Chengpeng Su, Anqi Chen, Weiyu Liang, Wenwen Xie, Xiang Xu, Xiuping Zhan, Wei Zhang, Cheng Peng*. Copper-based nanomaterials: Opportunities for sustainable agriculture. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 926: 171948. 9. Anqi Chen, Haoran Wang, Xiuping Zhan, Kailin Gong, Wenwen Xie, Weiyu Liang, Wei Zhang, Cheng Peng*. Applications and synergistic degradation mechanisms of nZVI-modified biochar for the remediation of organic polluted soil and water: A review. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 911:168548 10. Qi Zhang, Peng Yuan, Weiyu Liang, Zhihua Qiao, Xuechun Shao, Wei Zhang, Cheng Peng*. Exogenous iron alters uptake and translocation of CuO nanoparticles in soil-rice system: A life cycle study. Environment International, 2022, 168: 107479. 11. Minxue Guo, Hong Tong, Dongqing Cai, Wei Zhang, Peng Yuan, Yihao Shen, Cheng Peng*. Effect of wetting-drying cycles on the Cu bioavailability in the paddy soil amended with CuO nanoparticles. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 436: 129119. 12. Huihui Song, Weiyu Liang, Kailun Luo, Gehui Wang, Qiannan Li, Xiaowen Ji, Jiang Wan, Xuechun Shao, Kailin Gong, Wei Zhang*, Cheng Peng*. Simultaneous stabilization of Pb, Cd, and As in soil by rhamnolipid coated sulfidated nano zero-valent iron: Effects and mechanisms. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 443: 130259. 13. Weiyu Liang, Gehui Wang, Cheng Peng*, Jiaqi Tan, Jiang Wan, Pengfei Sun, Qiannan Li, Xiaowen Ji, Qi Zhang, Yonghong Wu, Wei Zhang*. Recent advances of carbon-based nano zero valent iron for heavy metals remediation in soil and water: A critical review. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 426: 127993. 14. Lin Liu, Siong Fong Sim, Sen Lin, Jiang Wan, Wei Zhang*, Qiannan Li, Cheng Peng*. Integrated structural and chemical analyses for HCl-supported hydrochar and their adsorption mechanisms for aqueous sulfachloropyridazine removal. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 417:126009. 15. Weiyu Liang, Yihao Shen, Chen Xu, Dongqing Cai, Dongfang Wang, Kailun Luo, Xuechun Shao, Zhihua Qiao, Wei Zhang, Cheng Peng*. Enhanced simultaneous removal of Cr(VI) and Cd(II) from aqueous solution and soil: A novel carbon microspheres-calcium alginate supported sulfide-modified nZVI composite. Environmental Science: Nano, 2022,9, 3471-3484. 16. Peng Yuan, Cheng Peng*, Jiyan Shi, Jianshe Liu, Dongqing Cai, Dongfang Wang, Yihao Shen. Ferrous ions inhibit Cu uptake and accumulation via inducing iron plaque and regulating metabolism of rice plants exposed to CuO nanoparticles. Environmental Science: Nano, 2021, 8, 1456-1468. 17. Cheng Peng, Hong Tong, Chensi Shen, Lijuan Sun, Peng Yuan, Miao He, Jiyan Shi*. Bioavailability and translocation of metal oxide nanoparticles in the soil-rice plant system. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 713: 136662. 18. Cheng Peng#, Ying Chen#, Zhichao Pu, Qing Zhao, Xin Tong, Yongsheng Chen*, Lin Jiang*. CeO2 nanoparticles alter the outcome of species interactions. Nanotoxicology, 2017, 11(5): 625-636. 19. Cheng Peng, Dechao Duan, Chen Xu, Yongsheng Chen, Lijuan Sun, Hai Zhang, Xiaofeng Yuan, Lirong Zheng, Yuanqiang Yang, Jianjun Yang, Xiangjun Zhen, Yingxu Chen, JiyanShi*. Translocation and biotransformation of CuO nanoparticles in rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants. Environmental Pollution, 2015, 197: 99-107. 20. Cong Lu, Jiang Wan, Xiao Chen, Wei Zhang*, Kuangfei Lin, Cheng Peng*. Removal of decabromodiphenyl ethane (DBDPE) by BC/nZVI in the soil: Kinetics, pathways and mechanisms. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 10(1): 107004