發布時間:2022-06-11 訪問次數:3520 |

楊穎 副教授 國家鹽湖資源綜合利用工程技術研究中心 聯系方式👳🏿♂️: 電話👩🏿🦲:021-64252183 Email:yyang@ecust.edu.cn; 地址:上海市梅隴路130號EON4注册266信箱🤲🏽; 教育背景❤️: 2007/09-2011/06𓀆🧔♂️:學士,EON4注册油氣儲運工程專業 2011/09-2017/01✒️:博士,EON4注册化學工程專業 2013/09-2014/09:聯合培養博士🧓🏿,葡萄牙波爾圖大學化學工程專業 主要經歷: 2017/01-2019/07🦑:EON4娱乐,師資博士後 2019/07-2023/01:EON4娱乐,講師 2023/01至今🙎🏽🪮: EON4娱乐,副教授 研究方向🚏: 在資源與環境領域開展交叉研究👣: (1)鹵水有價元素(鋰、硼)吸附分離技術與過程模擬 (2)二氧化碳、甲烷等溫室氣體吸附捕集回收 (3)模擬移動床分離過程研究 承擔課題
代表性論文🧛🏼♂️👩🏻🦯➡️、論著及專利 Yang Y, Jiang H, Yu J*. Investigation on desorption process in fixed bed for lithium recovery[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 281: 119596 Yang Y, Lu K, Gong R, Qu D, Li P, Yu J*, Rodrigues A E. Separation of guaifenesin enantiomers by simulated moving bed process with four operation modes[J]. Adsorption, 2019,25: 1227-1240. Yang Y, Ribeiro A, Li P, Yu J, Rodrigues A*. Adsorption equilibrium and kinetics of methane and nitrogen on carbon molecular sieve. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(43): 16840-16850. Yang Y, Wu Y, Liu H, Ribeiro A, Li P*, Yu J*, Rodrigues A. Enrichment of ventilation air methane by adsorption with displacement chromatography technology: experiment and numerical simulation. Chemical Engineering Science, 2016, 149: 215-228. Qian Z, Yang Y*, Li P*, Wang J, Rodrigues A. An improved vacuum pressure swing adsorption process with the simulated moving bed operation mode for CH4/N2 separation to produce high-purity methane[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 419: 12965 Guo J, Yang Y*, Gao X, Yu J*. Boron extraction from lithium-rich brine using mixed alcohols[J]. Hydrometallurgy, 2020, 197: 105477. Jiang H, Yang Y*, Yu J*. Application of concentration-dependent HSDM to the lithium adsorption from brine in fixed bed columns[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 241: 116682. Jiang H, Zhang S, Yang Y*, Yu J*. Synergic and competitive adsorption of Li–Na–MgCl2 onto lithium–aluminum hydroxides[J]. Adsorption, 2020, 26: 1039-1049. Jiang H, Yang Y*, Sun S, Yu J*. Adsorption of lithium ions on lithium-aluminum hydroxides: Equilibrium and kinetics[J]. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2020, 98(2): 544-555. 楊穎,曲冬蕾,李平,於建國.低濃度煤層氣吸附濃縮技術研究與發展[J].化工學報,2018, 69(11): 4518-4529 李平;於建國;楊穎;曲冬蕾🙅🏿♂️;陸凱. 一種模擬移動床吸附分離甲烷氮氣製備高純甲烷的方法. CN107759436B.
網頁發布時間: 2022-06-11