SREE Professors Were Invited to the Centenary Celebrations of IEC in
發布時間:2019-10-21   訪問次數:11

         Invited by Professor Bernd Meyer from TU Bergakademie Freiberg in Germany, Professor Wang Fucheng, Yu Guangsuo and Associate Professor Gong Yan from the School of Resources and Environmental Engineering went to IEC, Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering to celebrate the 100th anniversary of IEC and to communicate with them about academic development.

Professor Wang Fucheng, on behalf of the Institute of Clean Coal Technology Research in ECUST, expressed our congratulations and presented the gifts in the welcome ceremony. During the ceremony, they also attended the science forum “Carbon Transformation in Carbon-intensive Societies: Future Needs for Sustainable Use of Carbon Resources”, where, Professor Yu Guangsuo made a report titled as “The Challenges of Coal Utilization in China and Entrained-flow Gasification Technology Development at ECUST”.

During their visit, Professor Wang Fucheng also introduced recent researches in our school as well as progresses in China’s Coal Gasification Technology in his lecture “Coal Gasification Technology in China: Application, Development and Research”. A series of discussions and seminars were also carried out to promote our cooperative program, namely, International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchange Programs (China-Germany) supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (21761132034, The Simulation Study of Entrained Flow and Gasifier Based on Particle Transformation, 2018/01-2020/12). They focused on the topics like the reaction of melting slag in high temperature, Phase Transition, heat transfer simulation, Particle Combustion Process, gasification simulation and so on. At the same time, our Associate Professor Gong Yan also made a report about “Spectral Characteristics of Diesel and Coal Water Slurry Flames in an Entrained-Flow Gasifier”.

Pic.1: Professor Wang Fuchen was giving a special report

Meanwhile, the two parties also negotiated details about the Workshop Seminar— “China- Germany, Simulation and Experimental Study of High-temperature Partial Oxidation Process Based On Closed Carbon Cycle”, which will be hosted by ECUST and TU Bergakademie Freiberg in Shanghai from 11 to 16, November, 2019. After discussion, they decided the final participants, topics and daily arrangements, etc. Moreover, they talked about the preparatory work for The Tenth Freiberg International IGCC and XtL Technical Conference during 10 to15, May, 2020. It was also co-hosted by ECUST and TU Bergakademie Freiberg.

Pic.2: Gift Donation Ceremony

Pic.3: Professor Yu Guangsuo was giving a special report at the conference.

This forum enabled us to update our current knowledge and offered us an insight into the global market. By displaying the progresses we have made in “Opposed Multi-burner Coal Water Slurry Gasification Technology”, we also impressed the world our basic research capability and expanded our international influence in application of coal gasification technology.


網頁發布時間: 2019-10-21
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