The World’s Largest Single Furnace Coal-Water Slurry Gasifier Was Successfully Put into Operation in Inner Mongolia
發布時間👨🏻‍🏭:2019-10-31   訪問次數:10

Dramatic breakthroughs have been made in “Opposed Multi-Burner Coal Water Slurry Gasification Technology” developed by ECUST and Yanzhou Mining Group. Gasifier, adopting Opposed Multi-Burner Coal Water Slurry Gasification Technology is capable enough to process/burn 4000 tons of coal in single furnace per day, producing 210000 Nm3/h of syngas (H2+CO ). At 15:46 PM on October 29, 2019, it was successfully put into operation in Inner Mongolia Rong Xin Chemical Company Limited. Since then, it has provided syngas for Inner Mongolia Rong Xin Chemical Company Limited to produce 400,000 tons ethylene glycol and 300,000 tons DMMn each year.



The technology is supported by “Development and demonstration of large-scale coal water slurry gasification technology”, a National High Technology Research and Development Program of China. It is the first time in human history to use a 4,000-ton gasifier. As a result, it has won the world record as a first large-scale coal gasification equipment. There are many innovations and improvements in core equipment, system integration and process configuration in the 4,000-ton Opposed Multi-Burner Coal Water Slurry Gasifier, which ensure its high level of safety, reliability and integration, thereby making it easy to control. All workers kept in mind the mission and devoted themselves into work. As a result, the project is successfully completed, and achieved a remarkable victory by making great contributions to promote the development of coal-based energy chemical industry in China.

The Gasifier adopted in the first phase of construction of Inner Mongolia Rong Xin Chemical Company Limited was supported by the national “Twelfth Five-year” 863 plan. It is the world’s largest single furnace coal water slurry gasification unit. It has brought great economic return to the enterprise since it was put into use on June 24th, 2014. The successful operation of the gasification equipment in the second phase will play an active role in promoting the industrial upgrading and circular economy demonstration of Inner Mongolia Rong Xin Chemical Company Limited.

Opposed Multi-Burner Coal Water Slurry Gasification Technology has been a representative element of our modern coal chemical technology at home and abroad and promoted our international leading position in entrained flow coal gasifier. The past several years has witnessed our great success in updating gasifiers from 1000, 2000, 3000 to 4000 tons per day. These developments provide technical support for the construction of large national coal and chemical based energy, and strongly promotes the technical progress in the fields of coal-based chemical industry and coal-based poly-generation in China.

網頁發布時間: 2019-10-31
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